Our Singers Nights
How it works
Singers nights start at 8pm prompt as usual. Sometime after 8:45pm, we will put on a “Featured Artist” who will then do what we refer to as a 3 + 3 slot.
The 3 + 3 Slot
This takes us up to the break with 3 items from the featured artist. After the break (and raffle) the featured artist re-starts the second half with another 3 items. That is the end of the feature. From time to time featured artists may be invited by the MC to perform in other areas of that nights programme.
Featured Artists
Featured artists will for the most part be artists who would like to do a paid guest spot later. There is however, no guarantee or precedent for that.
All members are welcome to suggest artists who might guest for us or do a 3+3. Because an artist has done one 3+3 slot, it does not debar them from doing another one at some point in the future even though they may not have been offered a guest spot. Any suggestions please contact us.